Jučer je moja zamjenica, Victoria Harrison, objavila na prijemu u Britanskom savjetu (British Council) imena pet dobitnika Chevening stipendija za 2008/2009 godinu.
Chevening je shema stipendiranja studenata za pohađanje postdiplomskog studija u Velikoj Britaniji. Svake godine se u 150 zemalja dodijeli preko 2,300 novih Chevening stipendija. Finansira ih Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Velike Britanije, a provodi British Council. Osnovni cilj Chevening sheme jeste školovanje stručnjaka koji će po završetku studija doprinijeti društveno-ekonomskom razvoju svojih zemalja.
Ove godine su ovu prestižnu stupendiju dobili Dino Lendo (za magistarski studij Etologija i dobrobit životinja, Univerzitet u Edinburgu), Irina Kolak (za magistarski studij Međunarodna politika i ekonomija, Univerzitet u Edinburgu), Jelena Miloš (za magistarski studij Ekološka politika i uprava, Londonska škola ekonomije), Damir Petrović (za magistarski studij Okolišno pravo, Univerzitet u Notingemu) i Vanja Hamzić (za magistarski studij Međunarodna ljudska prava: savremene religije i odnosi spolova, Univerzitet u Notingemu).
Stipendije su namijenjene za magistarski studij u trajanju od jedne godine, i pokrivaju sve troškove postdiplomskog studija, uključujući životne troškove, i troškove putovanja u Veliku Britaniju i natrag.
Za pet kandidata iz BiH koji su dobili stipendiju za ovu akademsku godinu, Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Velike Britanije osiguralo je sredstva u iznosu od oko 250,000 KM.
I have been here for a very long time. I have seen my fair share of ambassador's come and go. Some have been nice folks. Some not so much. Many have implemented political policies that i feel were disastrous for this country.
I must admit that i once carried a fair deal of prejudice towards high ranking political figures from the west. I certainly have been right about some but I have, nonetheless, learned a great lesson over the past few years. Regardless of the politics created from London, Washington, Paris or Moscow the people sent to represent these particular government policies are, quite simply, just like you and me. They are people that laugh a similar laugh and cry a similar cry.
They are not monsters, conspirators or heroes. They are ordinary, and even occasionally extra ordinary, individuals sent on a mission on behalf of their country.
Perhaps more to the point – Matthew Rycroft and his family.
Matthew is, in my view, hands down the kindest, cleverest, most competent, honest and compassionate Ambassador that has ever served in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has done remarkable things for this country and has shown a world class touch for diplomacy…good diplomacy. And the things he has done he hasn't done just in the name of Great Britain. It is the character of the man and the lovely family by his side that has a vision for a country that he feels deeply about.
He sees its great potential.
He feels its tremendous energy.
And understands how incredibly difficult it can be to harvest all of this.
I know i am appearing a tad dramatic here, but i am compassionate and often harshly critical regarding the role of the international community here. So its only fair to show my thanks and appreciation to a man that has taken this country close to heart and done all in his power to make this a better place.
Remember friends…Gil Scot Heron said ‘nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. Gotta work for peace.’ Matthew Rycroft has done that. Thank you kind sir. Our doors are always open when you care to rejoin us.
Neka tuga postane nada! Neka osveta bude pravda! Neka
majcina suza bude molitva! Da se nikome nikad ne
ponovi Srebrenica!!!!
11.07.1995 – 11.07.2008….
Genocid u Srebrenici – Genocid.org Dokumentarna hronologija dešavanja u i oko Srebrenice, 1995. godine, tada zaštićene zone UN-a. Podsjećanje na genocid, stradanje, nečovječnost i inertnost …
http://www.genocid.org/articles.php?cat_id=3 – 15k – Cached – Similar pages